Key Business Snapshot: Israel & Mexico
Even though exports reached their lowest in a decade in 2020 due to the pandemic, Israeli firms are set to claim its strong market position back and electrical/electronic equipment products have the highest leverage in terms of adoption and access.
On the other hand, with its signature high quality, fruits and vegetables made in Mexico are of particular interest in Israel, with tons of export opportunities in the israeli market, as well as distributorship opportunities for israeli companies to work on. Looking at the bigger picture, the Food & Beverage industry has a significant market positioning which directly translates into potential business opportunities for Mexican firms to further develop the Israeli market, including coffee, tea, spices, vegetables, beverages, spirits and vinegar.
Furthermore, software development and overall IT-focused companies in Mexico can find Israel particularly attractive since its ever-increasing startup ecosystem is constantly on the lookout to outsource “non-core yet essential” marketing and development efforts.
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